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Celebrating Helen's Grand 100th Birthday at a meet and greet location

The Dalmatian Club of Southern California were honored to be invited and celebrate. This celebration took place on Sept 10, 2023 at a meet and greet location. Helen was a member of DCSC from 1960's and early '70's and had an AKC Champion Dalmatian. She still loves Dalmatians!! So glad we could make you smile Helen! Thank you (daughter) Gail for letting DCSC members and our spots (Jayson, Wyatt, Rhys and Rory) to be a part of this wonderful celebration of life.

From Club Member Kelly;
It was so lovely see Helen's lifelong love of Dalmatians. Her face lit up the minute she saw them, and she spent the visit telling us about her loved dog (who was a champion), but also about the breed. It was such an honor to be part of such a special event! Thank you Diane & Laura, Kelly and family for representing DCSC!!


From Club member Diane;
It seems that every time we take our Dalmatians out in public, it's like having a spotted unicorn on display. Everyone wants to meet and greet the Dalmatians! It was quite a crowd. All of the dogs handled the situation very well. Helen was very pleased! Gail was so appreciative that she was able to pull off this big surprise for her mom! It was very special to be able to be part of a 100 year old former Dalmatian owner's birthday celebration.

Doggie Treats

Thanks to the club members who attended, to make Helen's 100th Grand Birthday the Best!!!